Monday, June 13, 2011

Apple Pie?

So I recieved a job to do a promotional flyer for the Dixie Center of Perfoming Arts in Ruston, La.  They wanted to promote a band that was coming to play called the Russ Town Band. They requested a sign that was not overtly American, but had that kind of an American folksy vibe with a country feel. This is what I came up with and thankfully they really liked it.

The Watermelon Boy

This is an add for the Saline Watermelon Festival. They wanted a banner they could use year after year.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Nostalgia at its Finest

So about a year ago I got this wild hair to return to the great times of my youth and relive my childhood a little.  I really dug the psycotripic cartoons of the eighties. They were... well lets face it completely out there. One of the most epic examples an eighties franchise was Thundarr the Barbarian... your average story of Barbarian on a post apocalyptic world with a split moon that fights mutants and android alien wizards from the void with is riding buddies the sorceress princess Ariel and an cat alien thing called Ookla the Mok. Yea super weird but supper awesome. I loved the show so much I wanted to recreate the characters in a more modern animated style.

Ookla the Mok. I like the way he came out I redrew his design a couple of times to get the face proportions right. In my version he kind of has like and Egyptian feel witch i think is cool cause he is supposed to be like some cat hybrid kinda creature... i think.... i like him in the old cartoon cause he was funny and innocent but basically just tore stuff apart .

This is Princess Ariel, and she rode around with Thundarr and pretty much saved his can every time he ran head strong into a fight. She is a hell of a sorceress and I have got a thing for strong independent women... yes I sang the song in my head as I spelled that. 
This is the big man himself Thundarr. He is a barbarian... kinda dumb but super good with a a flaming weapon he called the sun sword.  These redesigns were a lot of fun to do and it is my dream someone with more influence and power than me will come across this show again and think... man that needs a reboot. It would be sick to have more modern depiction of this awesomely trippy t.v. series. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

The BullDog Chariot

The C.A.B. orginization asked me to design the signage that was to go on the wagon that the official mascot for Louisiana Tech rides around in during games and parades and things like that. This was a whole lot of fun and I got to streach my photomantage muscles a little.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Extreme MotowoRx

Here are a couple different logos for a four wheeler company in West Monroe that specializes in racing four wheelers. The gentleman wanted a lettermark incorporating E.X.M in an interlocking fashion. He uses words like edgy but clean and new, with oranges and blacks as his preferred colors.

Get Your Paws Off of Me?

This is a pen and ink illustration done when I was super bored at work. I have been on an octopus kick lately. I like the line work in this as well as this captured girls expression.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Marvel Head Shots

So I like to do head-shots, and here are a couple. Just kind of a sketch dump.
X-Men: Colossus, Cyclopes, Beast, Angel, Iceman

New Avengers: Iron Fist, Spider Woman, Luke Cage, Dr. Strange, Hawk Eye, Spider Man, Ms. Marvel

New Mutants: Magick, Magma, Sunspot, Cannonball

The Three Sisters of the Aquarium Tower

So, I wanted to post some illustrations that I have done recently. Growing up I always drew characters and would create little back-stories for them. I did not know until later that this was called making an Original Character, also known around the art community as an O.C. So here are three of the many, many, many characters that I have created. They are from a story I pretend that I am going to write in the future. They are the offspring of different mythological creatures and a mad king who keeps them prisoner and displays their elemental features as art.
This is one of the three sisters. She does not have a name yet nor do any of them. She is half unicorn and half mortal. She has a horn that is only visible when she wants it to be, and any other time all that is noticeable when staring straight at it is a shimmering clear wavy energy, like the distribution of air over a burning flame. She is the most strong willed of the three, the one to take action and also the greatest nuisance to her father due to her unwavering defiance of him. The moment I envisioned her immediately saw her as this swift and energetic being in constant motion, but she is chained to a giant stone by a long silver chain connected to her wrist by a beautiful bracelet. She is weighted down by fantastical ornaments and jewelry and put on display in her father’s gardens as an attraction, like an animal at a zoo. Her motivation and her dream is to be free and to finally have what she has always wanted: room to run.
This is the Halfling born of a nature fairy and the War King. She, unlike her other two sisters, was not deemed extraordinary enough by her father, due to the bright red hair they both share. His red hair is the only feature that the vain king finds unattractive and vile; the one feature he himself has and cannot change. In his one moment of selflessness the king lets her live, even though she is not beautiful enough to put on display. The Red King makes her a slave, because she is so weak and sickly that he does not fear her escaping nor does he think she is smart enough to ever deceive or trick him. He feels she possesses no threat to him whatsoever, because her fairy blood seams to run so slim. Her only fairy-like features are a set of small, frail, dull wings that hang limply from her back. She is kind, caring, cunning and smart. She is the most intellectual of the three sisters, having access to the libraries of the king and a grasp and love of literature.  Her health lessens the higher she goes in the castle, and going a long time without coming back down to the lower levels leaves her weak and sick; however she is forbidden to ever go lower than the second floor by the king, for mysterious reasons.
This is the Halfling of a mermaid and the Red King. She was born and placed in the marine-like tanks that run all throughout the castle. She has never set foot on dry land, but due to her mermaid features she is able to survive in the tanks. Her father views her as the most beautiful of his children. She is his most prized possession, and he goes to great lengths to display her whenever he can, using all of the interconnecting tanks and aquariums he built throughout the castle to have her elegance displayed. She is most times the centerpiece at the grand gatherings that the War King throws in his salacious kingdom. She has a protector’s spirit, but is helpless to interfere in the affairs of others due to her disconnection with the rest of the world. She has no idea what it is like to live a life that does not separate her from the world by a wall of marine glass. She is the watcher, but never is she allowed to influence what she sees. She is very maternal and feels a need to protect her sisters any way that she can. 
Yeah, so that is a little insight into the kind of thoughts that run through my mind whenever I start to sketch something. Lots of times through the act of drawing, a story and a character emerges with a personality and wants and needs and desires a story. The only trick now is writing it all down.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Glennwood Hospital Bilboards

These are some billboards for Glennwood E.R. I did them for Alliance One Advertising. Just something a little different. They were a lot of fun to research and work on.

Cenla Assoc, Therepies logo

This is a logo done for physical therapist office. The owner wanted to incorporate his Central Louisiana location into his logo with a little New Orleans touch. He was very interested in having the Fleur-de-lis (like so many of the clients I work with, but that's a soap box for another time) as well has having the logo look like a wooden sign on a post. I incorporated the very floral aspects found in a lot of New Orleans architecture with the bold rustic feel of a wooden handmade sign. I think the two blend well together.

LogFox logo

This was a logo done for a technology company that developed a a device that monitored the mileage and wear and tear on a car as well as an automobiles engine, all done so electronically. I got the idea that it was kind of like a person's own nerdy guardian angel.

The Mermaid Encyclopedia

So this was an assignment for my graphic design class. We had to create an original book cover for a book that we would write in the future. Of course I have always been fascinated by mermaids so I hedged my bets and figured ten years from now this would be the book that I would be interested in making. I wanted to go with a more subdued color palette than my usual retinal burning visual smack down. I love the blues and purples and dark grays in this.

Monday, March 28, 2011

My Logo

I wanted to do a logo that kinda represented me and what I do and what I like. I have always been fascinated by mermaids, mermen, sea life, coral reefs, and any thing aquatic. These themes have a great influence on my art and those subjects are what I most love to draw and paint. I wanted something that would represent that and an icon that would also represent a graphic style that I enjoy. I am most certain I wont keep this logo forever but for now its what I enjoy having represent me.

The New Mutants Saturday Morning Smackdown

So I am a HUGE X-Men fan and also a very big fan of The New Mutants which back in their heyday were the next generation of X-Men... and then of course came Next Generation which was the generation that came after the New Mutants but that gets real confusing now doesn't it. So I always felt that the New Mutants would make a great Saturday morning cartoon. So this is the add for that show... I have a feeling its going to be smash.

Elphaba and the Broom

I went through a time in my life where I was obsessed with the story of  Wicked. I really dig the story of the underdog... the girl society said was nothing and ugly and the ability of some one to over come. She is a beacon of the way a person can defy gravity and break the chains that others place on them and rise to the occasion. So this is my homage to that I wanted to do a type of poster with a remake of the logo using intertwining letters.


 I came across David Airey's book while coming the isles of the book store late late at night alone... creeply, a thing I like to do instead of being productive and ya know a general benefit to society. David is a graphic designer in Northern Ireland. His book is great and his blog is superb felt I should share... he needs no help with advertisement from me thought the man is a marketing genius but I still felt I should give him my seal of approval.
Check him out he great.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lion Jack... or Jack with a Lion

So I am part of a graphic design website called It is a really fun interesting way to keep my design skills sharp as well as get some real world experience dealing with client briefs and things of that nature. So I did a logo for an American rock band called Lion Jack.  They wanted a logo and letter mark that was both graphically modern as well as vintage with a crest type throw back. I was very interested in doing a logo that incorporated the letter J into a lion.
An example of the logo and how it has the capability to stand alone.

Monday, February 7, 2011

SO! the madness begins

Well I am not one to love writing or even to like to write, so the whole idea of blogging never really occured to me to be something that I would ever do. I wouldn't say that I am overtly opinionated nor am I in any position's to tell anyone out there in the world financial advice, or tell them how to cook a brazed ham, or the little jems of wisdom a overpaid celebraty divulges about sleeping with porn star number seven while he buys a 20,000 dollar brick of cocaine, or how to even spell something... well anything. If I continue this blog my inability to spell will probably become very apparent. Anyways, the reason I am starting this blog is to have a place to display the work that I do. I am a recent graduate from an art school with a concentration in graphic design. I have always dug art ever since I was little I have always know that this is what I wanted. When Pocahontas was singing about  her inability to chose a river to canoe down I already knew that I would take the winding one with the otters and the water fall.. I was luck that I always knew what I wanted... know that I have it the only challenge that is left is to find someone who will pay me to do it.  So this is my little corner of the internet universe and I am sure it will be the most random assortment of what ever weird random thought flings out of my head like a sneeze along with some art and graphic design to accompany my ramblings