Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Glennwood Hospital Bilboards

These are some billboards for Glennwood E.R. I did them for Alliance One Advertising. Just something a little different. They were a lot of fun to research and work on.

Cenla Assoc, Therepies logo

This is a logo done for physical therapist office. The owner wanted to incorporate his Central Louisiana location into his logo with a little New Orleans touch. He was very interested in having the Fleur-de-lis (like so many of the clients I work with, but that's a soap box for another time) as well has having the logo look like a wooden sign on a post. I incorporated the very floral aspects found in a lot of New Orleans architecture with the bold rustic feel of a wooden handmade sign. I think the two blend well together.

LogFox logo

This was a logo done for a technology company that developed a a device that monitored the mileage and wear and tear on a car as well as an automobiles engine, all done so electronically. I got the idea that it was kind of like a person's own nerdy guardian angel.

The Mermaid Encyclopedia

So this was an assignment for my graphic design class. We had to create an original book cover for a book that we would write in the future. Of course I have always been fascinated by mermaids so I hedged my bets and figured ten years from now this would be the book that I would be interested in making. I wanted to go with a more subdued color palette than my usual retinal burning visual smack down. I love the blues and purples and dark grays in this.

Monday, March 28, 2011

My Logo

I wanted to do a logo that kinda represented me and what I do and what I like. I have always been fascinated by mermaids, mermen, sea life, coral reefs, and any thing aquatic. These themes have a great influence on my art and those subjects are what I most love to draw and paint. I wanted something that would represent that and an icon that would also represent a graphic style that I enjoy. I am most certain I wont keep this logo forever but for now its what I enjoy having represent me.

The New Mutants Saturday Morning Smackdown

So I am a HUGE X-Men fan and also a very big fan of The New Mutants which back in their heyday were the next generation of X-Men... and then of course came Next Generation which was the generation that came after the New Mutants but that gets real confusing now doesn't it. So I always felt that the New Mutants would make a great Saturday morning cartoon. So this is the add for that show... I have a feeling its going to be smash.

Elphaba and the Broom

I went through a time in my life where I was obsessed with the story of  Wicked. I really dig the story of the underdog... the girl society said was nothing and ugly and the ability of some one to over come. She is a beacon of the way a person can defy gravity and break the chains that others place on them and rise to the occasion. So this is my homage to that I wanted to do a type of poster with a remake of the logo using intertwining letters.


 I came across David Airey's book while coming the isles of the book store late late at night alone... creeply, a thing I like to do instead of being productive and ya know a general benefit to society. David is a graphic designer in Northern Ireland. His book is great and his blog is superb felt I should share... he needs no help with advertisement from me thought the man is a marketing genius but I still felt I should give him my seal of approval.
Check him out he great.